I call this the Moon/Saturn Spiritual Bath because it is excellent for use during an astrological transit of Saturn to your Moon. However, you can use it any time. I made and used the Spiritual Bath during the Full Moon in Capricorn.
Josi’s Moon/Saturn Spiritual Bath
4 Parts Oak Leaves/Bark
2 Parts Rose petals
2 Parts Rosemary
1 Part Hyssop
1 Part Peppermint (leaves or flowers)
Sprinkling of Epsom Salts or Sea Salt
Combine all ingredients except for Salts in enough water to cover. Bring to boil. Then, reduce heat and allow to simmer/steep for about 10-15 minutes. Strain liquid into container. Offer boiled and cooled plant parts to your garden or back to the Oak tree where you harvested.
Add salts once mixture has been strained.
Take a bath/shower. Before exiting the tub pour the mixture over your head. Visualize weakness/pain leaving the body as the mixture pours over you. Visualize weakness/pain being replaced with strength, integrity and love.
Catch/Save some of the liquid as it drips off your body and offer it to your garden or Oak tree in thanks.
Allow your skin to air dry as much as possible while “squeegee-ing” the excess liquid from your body with your hands. Each time you push the liquid off your skin (use a downward motion with this one), do your visualization of weakness/pain seeping away and being replaced with strength, integrity and love.
It is important to thank the plants that offer themselves to us for use. As I am harvesting, I do talk to the plant and give thanks through prayer. Then, I return and offer the used plant to the soil to in turn further thank/nourish the plant.
You can use any prayer/blessing/combination of words that you are comfortable with. Conveying a feeling of compassion, love and gratitude is what holds importance—not so much the words used. And, if you live in a densely populated area and don’t want people to think you are nuts for singing and talking to trees, you can speak with your heart and not your voice.
While preparing (cutting leaves, separating petals, boiling, straining) I either sing an uplifting song or pray to fuse the mixture with love and intention. Then, while pouring the liquid over my body, I also pray.
Clean up:
This mixture will not stain your bathtub or your body. You will likely want to clean any residue left in the tub. However, Oak is very astringent. If you are prone to dry hair, you may want to have some spray conditioner handy after or avoid pouring the mixture on your hair. Of course, some are also have very sensitive skin, before you pour the entire mixture over your body, test a small spot on the inside of your wrist to be sure you do not have a reaction. Most people do not. But, it is a good idea to ALWAYS test when trying something new.
Extra magic preparation:
I made/used this mixture during the Capricorn Full Moon on the 12th. Water used to boil the mixture was charged under the Full Moon and so were all the harvested ingredients prior to their use the next day. Prepared mixture will keep for 3 days in an airtight container out of sunlight. But, my recommendation is to use it immediately (allow for cooling after boiling).
To find more information about the metaphysical and healing properties of the plants used, you can visit the following links:
For Oak:
For Hyssop:
For Peppermint:
For Rose petals:
For Rosemary:
For Epsom Salt:
Overall, I found the bath to be wonderfully grounding and reinforcing to personal boundaries. It was also invigorating energetically and helped to restore focus and self-confidence. You can also simply add this mixture to bath water and soak in it instead of pouring it over your head.
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