You may have noticed a few visitors in our first show. Over my shoulder in the video are Morti and Matilda. Morti (short for “The Mortician”) is a cement gargoyle. He is also an amulet.
Many people, when they first think of the word, believe amulets to be the equivalent of a pendant which is worn around the neck on a strap or necklace. However, amulets are more than that.
Pendants can, indeed, be used as amulets; however, any item charged with an intention of protection can be an amulet. One look at Morti and you’ll know it would be hard to wear him around your neck. He weighs about 30 pounds or more.
Matilda is a small angel statue. She is also an amulet.
Each of these items were given to me. Matilda came from a very dear friend. Morti was a birthday gift from my husband. Each gift was given in love. However, due the symbolism of both angels and gargoyles, I chose them specifically for home protection.
Morti’s regular place in my home is right next to my front door. He is the first face you see when you enter my home. When I received him, he was unpainted and undecorated. I painted and decorated him myself. And, as I did, I repeated a small prayer of protection and spoke to him as I would speak to another person in my home letting him know what his job was.
All of the things I did (talking to an inanimate object included) helped to convey and program my intentions into the objects I had chosen. Morti has a job…to ward off evil from entering my home. He even has a slogan, “Harm someone in this home and I’ll assist with your funeral.” Little dark humor there. I do have a Scorpio Mercury but I’d never truly want to wish harm on anyone. However, it does seem like an appropriate growl from someone named The Mortician.
If you look closely, I also gave Morti sparkly green Peridot eyes. Peridot has many uses. But, I chose the stone for Morti’s eyes for two specific reasons. The first is that Peridot is known to soothe anger and promote calmness. In other words, since he is the first person someone encounters in my home, he helps you lay the baggage and frustrations of the day at the door. Second, Peridot is known to help with fears and phobias particularly fears of the dark. Morti’s eyes are there for anyone in my household who may need to get up in the middle of the night for something. And, trust me, a lot of wandering around in the dark goes on in my house.
So, Morti not only helps protect my home from negative energy from outsiders, he also keeps any negative energy out that someone who lives here may pack in with them from the day. Plus, since he helps with phobias and fears the negativity associated with those emotions are alleviated a bit too.
Matilda’s home was once on a shelf above my bed. Now, however, her home is in my prayer room. She stands as a loving guardian near the window inviting in loving energy and turning away negative energy. I like to envision that I’m surrounded by angels in this room and Matilda is their ring leader. I charged her with intention in the same way I charged Morti. I spoke directly too her letting her know what her job was and said prayers over her.
Each of these amulets work hard to protect my home and family. So, I make sure to place them near a window during a full moon to help them cleanse and recharge. I also make sure to surround them with smoke and positive energy when I smudge my home. And, as crazy as it sounds, whenever I enter the house I greet Morti with a pat on the head. Whenever I go into my prayer room, I speak to Matilda. I make sure to let each of them know they are doing a good job and tell them they are appreciated. What this does is reinforce their programming..yes, even though they are inanimate objects.
Right now, I’m working on making a collar for Morti incorporating stones that will assist him in doing his job. This, too, reinforces his programmed intention of home protection (and, it’s fun because I get to play with rocks!).
Now, given that I’ve told you that an amulet can be made from anything and can be used as protection, do you have something that you could use in your home for this? Or, is there something whose symbolism calls to you and you could find an object that represents that? For example, my mother-in-law used owl statues. She had one specific one that she sent all of her negative thoughts to. You better believe I cleaned that sucker when it came in my home. LOL! But, again, it can be anything that feels right to you from something you carry around to something that has a permanent place in your life. What would you choose?
I enjoyed reading this article very much
Morti is coloured beautifully!
I really enjoyed this article, Josi! I love the way you program your pieces and have no doubt they do an excellent job for you.
I keep several amulets, too. One of the more unusual ones is some artwork my husband was given as a gift (a drawing from Pulp Fiction with the two men pointing guns!) that I placed to guard the front door. I don’t mess around here!
I think gifts given in love are especially well-suited for protection. I have a ring given to me by my husband hanging from my car’s rear-view mirror. I have a Jewish Holy Book given to me by a friend that I keep nearby when I do spirit work. And I was recently gifted a fabulous necklace with the “Helm of Awe” that I have programmed for protection and wear regularly.
Thanks for sharing some of your pieces with us.